Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Marah Vs Sedih Vs Frustrated

Aku ni memang pantang di tipu, tak kisah ler anak ker staff ker. But today aku memang Marah + Sedih + Frust. What happen???? Hemmmm nak citer panjang, but one of my staff (senior dah and one of my good one) lie to me. Astafirullahhalazimmm....memang aku geram-aku geram-aku geram. Seharian, and semalaman aku dok fikir, why he did that to me.

Aku ni mana pernah marah staff aku, perhaps aku suka membebel, but just for a while. So that night aku sms aku punya service desk exec, to sms aku punya staff yg aku nak jumpa dia, first thing tomorrow morning.

So..what happen masa aku jumpa dia...aku found out lagi...ada satu lagi benda yg dia tak buat yg memang menghampakan aku...I am really frustrated...geram..badan dah rasa menggigil dok tahan sebak dan gerammmmmmmmm....

Well, this is part of the learning curve yg aku kena belajar. How to become a good manager. Aku punya impian satu jer...aku akan buat yg terbaik for their own benefit. Aku nak dorang jadi orang yg lain hormati. I have a few plan line up for them

Tapi aku memang frust on what have happen today.


PFZ said...

what happen maksu? sape tipu maksu? ape dia buat?